1. Dan Morman

    Thank you.

  2. stella croning

    Shalom, and thanks a lot. I could not fill out above where i live as i live in Winnipeg Canada, Manitoba
    I hope this goes through.


  3. Kathy

    Refuah shleimah for:
    1) Sarah Raquel bas Malka
    2) Esta Slotka bas Elka Tibor
    3) Dmitri bas Sarah
    4) Brucha Moushka bas Shaina

    For her perfect beshert and marriage and good health:
    1) Chaya Sorah Bas Rivka Raizel

    For a companion:
    1) Rivka Raizel bas Miriam

    For a new, lucrative profession:
    1) Yitzhak simcha Ben Ruvain Samuel ha’levi

    Peace and protection for Jewish Israelis.

    Thank you!!

  4. Rena

    Toda raba…who knows how to read a soul in this generation ?

  5. Zeesy Stern

    Thank you

  6. sam

    Thank you

  7. David Newton

    Thank you Eric

  8. Shaina

    Thank you

  9. Shoshana chava meira shira bat Rachel dina and Boruch Ben nechama

    Pray for shalom bay it, vibrant health until 120, beautiful children and a home to own, parnasa, dveykut, nachas

  10. Menucha Rochel bat Ora

    Peace and love, yeshuot vnechamot, find fulfilling work, raise Gd fearing children

  11. Rochel masha bat malka blima, freida Leah bat Chaya Sarah

    Bkarov mamash, marry their true,loving zivug and be joyful, beautiful, healthy, happy children,nachas, vibrant health ad 120

  12. Rivka

    Thank you

  13. Jenna

    I like the articles.

  14. Elisa Liker

    Todah Rabah.

  15. Jessica

    Thank you

  16. Les Sussman and Sally Bordwell

    HaKol Beseder

  17. Lisa brandes


  18. Anne Zagorski

    Thanks for your help

  19. Nancy


  20. Miriam

    Thanks for visiting my places

  21. Miriam


  22. Daven for us in Uman, Mezhbuzh & Berditchev
    please darven for: Adina bat Lyn
    Levi ben mayta
    Lyn bat Lilly
    have a safe trip.
    thak you

  23. Rhoda Agin

    Thank you.

  24. Fraidel Leah

    thank you!!

  25. Batya

    Thsnk you

  26. Aliza

    Toda Raba
    Many blessings

  27. Delaram

    Thanks a lot

  28. Dana Elise Singer

    Thank you for all you do for everyone. I appreciate your help in this great time of need of more be. I look forward to the articles on Geula. Take care and be well. Safe passage.

  29. rita

    thank you

  30. Melissa

    Trying again, don’t know Hebrew name but I want to request full health and healing (and ability to travel) for Thomas son of Geraldine and Gideon Schiller.Don’t know Hebrew name. Thanks!

  31. Zeesy Stern

    Please daven for a shidduch for Esther Chaya Zeesel bat Tzivia
    Thank you!

  32. naomi ostroff


  33. Shira Rachel

    David Ely ben Penina- a great job with excellent parnossah in a wonderful kehillah
    Shira Rachel bat Sarah Chana – shalom bayit, self-love, parnossah, and good health

  34. raphi salem


  35. Serena Shimony

    Serena bat Rivka (parnasa,shalom bayit)
    Assaf ben Miriam (parnasa, shalom bayit)
    Yonatan ben Rivka (zivug, parnasa)
    Rivka bat Batsheva (briut, shalom bayit)
    Mendel Chaim ben Rachel (briut, parnasa

  36. Ayelet Penkower

    Thank you for davening for others too. Tizkeh limitzvot. May all that you need come with much clarity, joy and flow, please G-d.

  37. Ayelet Penkower


  38. Jennifer Goldstein


  39. Michael

    Shabbat Shalom

  40. Juley Zizi

    Thank you

  41. Lori

    Thanks David and good shabbos!

  42. Chanie

    Yasher koach for all inspiration

  43. Rona Trachtenberg

    Thank you!

  44. Amy

    Thank you, Eric, for your holy works

  45. Please, pray for me !!!!

  46. Ingrid

    Thank you and Shabbos shalom!!! May Hashem bless you as well.

  47. Sharon Spinrad

    שרון אסתר בת שולמית

  48. Rhoda

    Thanks very much.

  49. Malka Yehudit bat Shaina Musya

    Please daven for my children, Dovid Isser Ben Malka Yehudit and Aryeh Leib Ben Malka Yehudit that they should remain in Jewish schools and be matzliach in their studies.

  50. Aliza Liran

    Please send me articles on Geula and Healing
    Toda Raba

    Sending Brachot to you and your family

  51. Rivka

    Thank you good shabbos

  52. Aliza Liran

    Toda Raba
    Sending Brachot

  53. Delaram

    God bless you & thank you

  54. Delaram

    Thank you

  55. Thank you for your work.
    Many blessings for you!!

  56. Batya

    I love the insights and energy on each month

  57. Davira bareli

    Thank you

  58. I would like to pray for my children’s health and happiness Yosefa bat Leah, Natan Ben Leah and Sar Ben Leah, that they find Torah and that Gd have mercy on them, please Gd, Amen.

  59. Ednah-Sarah

    Thank you for all you do on behalf of the Geulah Shleima!

  60. Rena bat brouria

    Rena bat brouria good health
    Chassia bat rena for a shiduch
    Azriel asher Ben rena for refua Shelia

  61. Sofya tamRkin

    Please daven

  62. Ednah-Sarah

    Thank you

  63. Linda (Devorah Leah)

    Pls daven Devorah Leah bat Rachel Pesha
    Parnassah, wealth (having Way More than you need, or in my case – what I think I need since its never been enough) HEALTH and a Better Home (goodness, order, comfort…) (big pivot of problems) and the end of chaos resulting from years and years of pestilence, lice, etc. (Yes, really.) G-D bless u with a shidduch and may all your prayers be answered! Thank you!!!!!

  64. Justin C Beck

    Thank you.
    Shabbat Shalom!

  65. Bobby

    Thank you

  66. Devora Rosen

    I hope you get this message before Sunday

  67. Thank you, Eric!!!

  68. Elisa Liker

    Thank You.

  69. N S...

    Page error?

  70. Elisa Liker


  71. Chana bat sara

    Please daven that i finish with the divorcee court, find my basheret and have shalom bait. Thank you. Tizku lemitzvot.

  72. Hara Li-Ya Viner

    Thank you!

  73. Lena

    Thank you

  74. leah

    bl’llessing to you and all kol israel

  75. Jenna

    Please pray for peace in my family.

  76. Jenna

    I enjoy reading this articles.

  77. Jenna

    I like this website.

  78. Beulah Trey

    Thank you

  79. Sharon Esh

    Thank you!!

  80. Malkah bat Hannah Michal Leah and Moshe Daniel ben Sarah Leah

    Thank you so much!

  81. Samara

    Thank you!

  82. yetta yittel saffern


  83. Nechama Dina

    Please pray that I am blessed with a healthy child very soon, only health protection and long life for my whole family, shalom bayis and parnassah, and lots of Nachas and health for my daughter.

  84. B

    Yasher Koach !!!

  85. Fraida


  86. Lori

    Thank you for davening!

  87. Sharon esh

    Thank you

  88. Nancy HIlsenrath

    Thanks thanks thanks
    May all your tefillot be answered

  89. Nancy HIlsenrath

    I sent this twice. Is it working ?

  90. Jennifer Goldstein

    Shana Tova!!!

  91. Chaya Sorah bat Rivka raizel

    Blessing for family and friends..for good health…and Hashem should bless me w my beshert and we should get married. Thank you

  92. Please Daven for me for Refuah, Parnossah and Great Shidduch

  93. Arielle

    Shana Tova!

  94. Arielle

    Thank you

  95. Arielle


  96. Luciana Telles

    Thank you! Nessiah tovah and may your year be full of miracles and growth

  97. Galina Barshay

    Have everyone a very safe and enjoyable trip
    Zayt gezunt

  98. Shaina

    Thank you!

  99. Leah bat Alegre

    Hi Eric,
    I’m still feeling the injuries, the loss, the grief of my family situation… Thanks for including me.
    I tried to use the form but there was no submit button.
    I need all of the above!
    Ketiva vhatima tova,

  100. Malka nechama bas chana

    For parnassa,to overcome health challenges,for shalom;
    My mother chana bas sarah,for health and peace,inner happiness;

  101. Malka nechama bas chana

    For moshe yisroel ben chana that he should recognize qnd connect to hashem.he is aethist. Calvin ben eddie:HEALTH,PARNASA,HAPPINESS.surv cancer

  102. Malka nechama bas chana

    For leah rochel bas chana:health,happiness,same for sarah ashira bas leah rochel &meir ohr ben leah rochel.safe,meaningful trip to israel

  103. Malka nechama bas chana

    Thanks.pls let me know if u can’t read parts of email.

  104. Aliza Felix

    Thank you for your generosity and open heart

  105. Elsa lalehzari

    Thank you so much for this opportunity

  106. Elsa lalehzari

    Thanks so much for this opportunity

  107. Shula

    L’shana Tovah

  108. Elisa Liker

    See above.

  109. Elyakeem Kinstlinger


  110. DA

    Also shiddach for Sara bat Frumit Devorah

  111. Jenna

    Thank you for your prayers.

  112. Jenna


  113. Jenna


  114. Michelle Comeslast

    Thank you!

  115. Alina Green

    Thank You

  116. Jessica

    Bracha For health

  117. becky adelberg

    Thank you!

  118. Linda

    Please daven Refuach Shelima for-
    Rachel Pesha bat Hannah
    Rivka bat Rachel Pesha
    Shlermy ben Rachel Pesha
    Devorah League Shana bat Rachel Pesha

  119. Rivk Soloff

    Please daven for me at uman.

  120. Rivk Soloff

    Please daven and have me in mind at uman. Thank you for your help tonight.

  121. Nechama Edelstein

    Thank u

  122. Linda

    Please daven refuach shelima
    Chaim Yitzak ben Yonah
    Chizkiyahu David ben Mafrat Mariya
    Naira Esther bat Malka
    Karen bat Sue

  123. Linda

    Please daven for these folks – very badly needed. Add Annette bat Sarah

  124. Esther Lamm


  125. Roberta flatow

    Shana Tova u-metuka!

  126. Roberta flatow

    Shana Tova u-metuka! This year in the Holy Land!

  127. Roberta flatow

    All the best! Lots of joy!

  128. Roberta flatow

    Healthy happy new year!

  129. Aliza Liran

    Toda Raba

    Sending Brachot to you and your family for happiness and sweet Geula for Klal Yisrael

  130. Steven Leeds

    Reb Zusha Aharon ben Chay’a Leah, v’chol mishpachto, for “gefen”, gezundt, parnassah, and nachas, Amen.
    Sweet & Happy New Year to u, CD.

  131. Jennifer Goldstein

    Thank you so much for davening for me.

  132. Ruchama

    May Your will be my will and my will be Your will.

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