How to Manifest Success

- Decide what you want to work on – and replace “Success” with any word you want, such as “In a state of Dveikut with Hashem, Free of Anger, Wealthy, Attracting my perfect zivug, Shalom Bayit, Being healed by Hashem, etc”
- Always use the positive aspect such as “FREE of Fear”, rather than NO, NOT, etc
- Have the intention that what you want should be:
– Aligned with What Hashem (G-d) wants for me
– Is for my Highest and Greatest Good - Either
– Initially verbally include several things in what success is such as “Having a meaningful life, marrying my soulmate, abundance of parnassa L’Shem Shamayaim, etc.” OR
– Change “Success” above to a single item – for specific focus and maximum effect for this issue - Benchmark yourself 1-10 before saying the lines above
(On a 1-10 Scale) how Successful (or other energy) are you feeling now? - Repeat the whole things 3x in a row – slowly, with powerful kavana (paying close attention to the words you are actually saying)
- Notice which specific lines below are the hardest to say. For example, if the “I Deserve…” or “I Believe…” lines above are difficult to say and you don’t feel your energy shifting here, then you have hit on very deep blocks, and you need to focus on these more.
Simultaneously, if you feel certain statements make you feel more positive, focused, energized, calm, upbeat, etc., then you have also hit on a major ]area which needs work, but is easier to shift just with this statements.
- Repeat the lines with the strongest shifts (see 6 above) throughout the day, each time repeating it 3x, or in groups of 3x – as this is working on the three levels of soul – nefesh ruach and neshama
- Benchmark Yourself afterwards
(On a 1-10 Scale) how Successful (or other energy) are you feeling now? - Do this daily, especially in the morning
- Keep a written log – on paper or on your phone what shifts you have seen from doing this
- Ask What is missing here?
- Please Email me Other Categories to Add here
- I am expecting success
- I am attracting success
- I am manifesting success
- I am success
- I am worthy of success
- I deserve success
- I have great worth regarding success
- I am welcoming success
- I am allowing success
- I am allowed success
- I am accepting success
- I am comfortable with success
- I am worry free regarding success
- I am fearless regarding success
- Others are happy for my success
- I am filled with Emuna (Faith) for success
- I am filled with Bitachon (Certainty) for Success
- I want Success
- I DESIRE Success (Focus Strong on this – as desire is key to manifesting)
- I am enthusiastic about success
- I Believe I am a success
- I Believe I will continue to be a success
- This time Success is really happening
- I am able to retain success
- I am free of all negativity holding back success
- I am free of all limiting beliefs blocking success
- I am free of all others negative energy blocking success
- I am free of all blockages in my cell memory blocking success
- Hashem has accepted all of my Teshuva to enable my success
- I am free of all self sabotage regarding my success
- I am free of abuse, holding back success
- I am free of procrastination
- I am free of frustration regarding success
- I am free of disappointment and being let down regarding success
- I am free of being overwhelmed regarding success
- I am free of past life issues that have held back success
- Letting Go of everything to clear the path for success
- I am accepting Success on Hashem’s level
- I am free of All resentment that has been holding back success
- I am free of all stubbornness holding back success
- I am a success on a conscious level
- I am a success on a subconscious level
- I am a success on a soul level
- I am a success in all gilgulim (incarnations) past, present and future
- I am a success on all soul levels: Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Chaya, Yechida
- I am a success in all Olamot (Worlds)
- I am free of blocking others from success
- Others are happy for me that I am a success
- Others like me when I am a success
- My success is helping to empower others to be a success
- I am free of the belief of Divine Deceipt
- I am sending out energy that I am a success
- Hashem wants me to be a success
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