Geula, Amalek & The US Elections

GEULA, Amalek & The US Elections
Eight Years ago, almost to the day, while in Shaharit prayers at the Sanz Shtiebel here in Tzfat (Safed) – The Mystical city of Kabbalah across from its sister Town of Meron, where Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai is buried – I was davening the Amida prayer and the following message came down to me in a meditative state – as it was US Election Day 2016, When Hillary Clinton was facing off against Donald Trump .
“The Whole Geula (The Final Redemption) is PURIM 2.0 with all of the same personalities and souls of the original Purim story. And this election is a REMATCH of King Achashverosh vs. Vashti” You can see the full article HERE.
I have been held back from writing too much recently, but today – ELECTION DAY NOV 5, 2024 – while in the mikva, the message ‘came down’ – ‘You are no longer being held back. Write TODAY what is really happening, as Klal Yisrael and the people of the world, need to know the truth. Furthermore, they NEED to see that everything is from Hashem (G-d)
A lot needs to be discussed, but time is short, so this article is just an abbreviation of the full story. Please Connect with me by signing up at to receive further updates.
And for those unfamiliar with my work, please permit me a short introduction. My name is Chaim David Targan and I am a Kabbalistic Healer, Mystic, Author and Speaker. I spend most of my time speaking around the world about the Geula – from a Shamayim (heavenly) perspective – meaning what is really happening and why – from a mystical spiritual view. I have been privileged to have worked with tens of thousands in all seven continents. Approximately twenty years ago, while I was a finance guy and serial entrepreneur living in Manhattan, bzechut Avot – in the merit of my great Kabbalistic ancestors – a visiting Kabbalistic Healer from Israel helped open me up to my mystical gifts – and shuttled me to numerous Kabbalistic masters, Rebbes and Tzaddikim, all who confirmed that I was’t crazy, didn’t have Jerusalem syndrome, and that what was coming down was real, accurate, authentic and needed to be disseminated to the world. I wrote prolifically for a while to the public, but was then guided to limit what I discussed publicly to my own private groups – on worldwide conference calls.
And for those unfamiliar with my work, please permit me a short introduction. My name is Chaim David Targan and I am a Kabbalistic Healer, Mystic, Author and Speaker. I spend most of my time speaking around the world about the Geula – from a Shamayim (heavenly) perspective – meaning what is really happening and why – from a mystical spiritual view. I have been privileged to have worked with tens of thousands in all seven continents. Approximately twenty years ago, while I was a finance guy and serial entrepreneur living in Manhattan, bzechut Avot – in the merit of my great Kabbalistic ancestors – a visiting Kabbalistic Healer from Israel helped open me up to my mystical gifts – and shuttled me to numerous Kabbalistic masters, Rebbes and Tzaddikim, all who confirmed that I was’t crazy, didn’t have Jerusalem syndrome, and that what was coming down was real, accurate, authentic and needed to be disseminated to the world. I wrote prolifically for a while to the public, but was then guided to limit what I discussed publicly to my own private groups – on worldwide conference calls.
UNTIL TODAY – when I was told to start going public today.
The Audience for this piece is very wide ranging, from Torah Masters and mystics to those who don’t know how this ended up in their inboxes, so this is hopefully a combination of the deepest mystical words explained in simple speak. So my apologies If this has been overcomplicated or under-explained.
Obama, Harris & AMALEK
Bringing the Final Redemption has many pieces. But as mentioned above, it is all connected to PURIM – and very much to the removal of Amalek – which is the group of people – who are extremely inextricably Anti – G-d, and against Hashem’s people – Klal Yisrael.
For those familiar with the Purim Story, we all know that the arch enemy of the Jewish people who attempted to commit genocide against all the Jewish people worldwide during the Persian Empire of King Achashverosh – name was Haman. For those unfamiliar with PURIM, please read the Megilla (the scroll of the story) and the midrashim – the allegorical components of it if you want to really understand everything that is going on.
As we are in the End Days already, in the concealed part of the Geula, Hashem has brought all of the evil-doers in history back for their final comeuppance. And often, Hashem has brought them back to the same places they did their evil work previously.
For example, the Emperor of the Babylonian Empire – who destroyed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem was named Nebuchadnezzar. In recent years, he came back as the Butcher of Baghdad – Saddam Hussein. And even Saddam Hussein knew this, as he spent much of his life trying to rebuild the palaces and grandeur of his empire. But Hashem had other plans, having him hunted down like a rat in Iraq (not too far from his ancient capital of Babylon – up the Euphrates River, hung in a Bagdad Square, and from his place in much worse than Hell in the afterworld, he had to watch Chabad build a Sukkah in one of his palaces.
Now back to the Purim Story.
Strange as it seems, as I have been speaking about this publicly for the past 15+ years, few people realize that the current evil ruler of Iran is named, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The name HAMAN is literally in his name – showing us clearly that the Ayatollah is literally the Gilgul, the incarnation of Haman of the Purim Story.
Understanding Amalek & The US Government
BUT it goes even deeper than that
Who was the Original Amalek, and how did this hatred evolve
There was a woman named Timna, who was desperate to marry into the family of Avraham Avinu (Abraham), and specifically the house of Jacob – Yaakov Avinu – who is the father of the Jewish people. Yaakov did not find her worthy and turned her away. Feeling scorned, she turned to Eisav / Edom – Yaakov’s brother (and the father of the Roman / Christian / Western World) to marry into his family. She thus became the concubine of Eliphaz – Eisav’s son, and gave birth to a boy named Amalek. Timna was so hateful to Jacob and his family, she taught her son Amalek to be extremely hateful both to the Jewish people – And especially to G-d, even denying his existence.
Later – when we see the Jews leaving Egypt – stragglers after 210 years in Egypt – much of it in slavery, the descendants of Amalek attacked the harmless Jews from the rear – attacking the young , the weak, the ill, the pregnant, the elderly – for no reason. They were not a threat to anyone, But Amalek had irrational hatred. And the hatred has been throughout all the generations – to today.
Both the Physical and Spiritual descendant of the original Amalek was Haman of the Purim Story. And later, another horrible incarnation was Hitler (Yemach Shemo – may his name be blotted out), and even Haman’s 10 sons mentioned in the Megilla came back as the top 10 Lieutenants of the Nazi ruler – who were prophetically hung at the 1946 Nurenberg Trials. (Google this amazing story)
Fast forward to Today and we have
Barack Hussein Obama – Gilgul \ incarnation of Amalek HaRishon – The actual original Amalek
(Gematria/ numerical equivalent of his full name is a combination of Amalek & Ishmael)
Kamala Harris – Gilgul Incarnation of TIMNA – Mother of Amalek – who instilled irrational hate in her son
In fact many people I know who are very spiritually sensitive have become triggered physically seeing or hearing either of them because their root souls are the purest of evil.
This Explains the Irrationality of the first Iranian nuclear deal where Iran received $100+ billion released for just making a statement. Much of the world wondered why America gave away everything and got nothing in return. It only makes sense from a mystical perspective. Who were the main players? Iran, Russia and Europe and mainly the USA.
The US was led by Obama.
Iran was led by Ayatola Khameni
Based on the above, Obama – the incarnation of the original Amalek soul – was negotiating with the incarnation of Haman – who himself was an incarnation – and direct descendant of Haman.
SO America gave away the deal because in actuality, it was AMALEK Negotiating with his own gilgul / incarnation. It is impossible to understand without a mystical perspective.
Understanding Trump as Achashverosh
Many in the observant Jewish and Israeli worlds are big Trump fans as he has been solidly pro-Israel. But why?
Many think he is a Tzaddik (Righteous person). Sorry to disappoint you, but he is only a Rasha (evil person) doing Teshuva (repentance).
Let me explain. Trump is the gilgul /incarnation of King Achashverosh – the evil and apparently foolish acting king of Persia. In fact the resemblances are pretty amazing. Both are hardcore narcissists, Both hire and fire advisors at will (In fact, Trump’s famous line was “You’re Fired”, Both liked Beauty Contests: Achachaverosh had one to pick his queen, and Trump hosted Miss America for many years at one of his Atlantic City Hotels. And both often acted like powerful fools (even if his governing decisions often worked out well)
BUT why has Trump been so Pro Israel – almost to an irrational level?
Trump’s pro Israel activity and support had nothing to do with his daughter Ivanka converting or that most of his grandchildren are Jewish
We need to jump back a bit in history to answer this. As discussed above, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon destroyed the Beit HaMikdash – Holy Temple in Jerusalem and exiled most of the Jews in 586 BCE (Before the Common era). Then 70 years later, the Babylonian Empire was taken over by the Persian Empire. The first Persian emperor was named Cyrus (or Koresh in Hebrew) and King Cyrus is celebrated in Israel with Streets named after him, etc. since he allowed and encouraged the Jews to return to Israel to Rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
But Building the Beit HaMikdash was not a short project and took a while. So when King Cyrus died, the next Persian emperor stopped the building in Jerusalem. This new emperor’s name was King Achashverosh of the Purim Story. Years later, Queen Esther’s son, Darius – allowed the continuation of the building of the Holy Temple – when he took power,
So all of President Trump’s super strong pro Israel activity including moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, encouraging building out the Golan Heights (including a new development named after him – RAMAT TRUMP – Trump Heights – and his extremely strong defense of Israel’s interests were all part of his teshuva – repentance in his past lives.
So even though both Trump & Harris are both from evil stock, mystically, Trump is doing Teshuva – repentance- while Harris is radically making things worse – and wants to continue what Haman wanted to achieve
Chaim David can be reached
Copyright 2024 Chaim David Targan.
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